Thursday 19 May 2011

studio pottery quest

I was drawn to this recently in a charity shop - drawn to it in an "ugly gorgeous" kind of way, if that makes sense.  I know what I mean!  It feels great  in your hands - heavy and textured -  the shape is just right for holding.   When  I turned it over I saw this mark on the bottom.

Not sure if it's a potter's mark - and if so - whose is it? I've googled and not find anything the same.  Ultimately, I'm not desperate to find out whose is it,  as either way it's very happily sitting on the top row of my ercol unit along with it's new found friends.  It has ended up becoming an additional birthday present - the lady at the till didn't have the right change to give me - so big sister stepped in to pay.  Great. 

(p.s. should anyone - who by randomly coming across this blogsite  or otherwise -  recognise the mark - then please do let me know).

Tuesday 17 May 2011

who's a little treasure?

I've been included in Refindlings "Flowers For Mom"  Treasure Trove on etsy - this stuff is all new to me and not exactly sure what it all means - but I reckon it's good!


I decided to print off some images of  flowers I took the other weekend -  pumpkin and I had stumbled across on a beautiful wild flower meadow in our search for the WAP festival.

To my surprise the print came out rather differently than I had planned.  The blue ink cartridge appears to be malfunctioning - however the result is quite fab!  

the original image above

the oops-a-daisy print below

I might print some off on fabric and see if I can combine them somehow with the vintage yellow Sanderson fabric. 

WAP festival?  Not entirely sure ourselves - but it seemingly involves the dunking of the village Mayor into the village pond, a crowning of a May Queen and the ubiquitous Gloucester Cheese Rolling.   It turns out we were a day late for the festival!  A beautiful afternoon out, nonetheless.

Monday 16 May 2011

midcentury modern

Just received my copy of the first issue of Midcentury - The Guide to Modern Retro.

Bit small and lightweight - especially the paper - but enjoyable nonetheless.  Had all the usual suspects; Festival of Britain anniversary,  Mad Men and a review of the Robin and Lucienne Day exhibition in Chichester - which I have to get to before it closes!  Came across an old friend, Jane Foster, in the magazine - in truth she is a total stranger to us, but I bought pumpkin a pink screen print of her's about 5 years ago now - and have followed her blog/websites ever since - and as a cherished object,  her print below is part of our family's visual life now.

I have also already bought my ticket for the Midcentry Modern Show - the Spring one was reviewed in the magazine -  photo below.

The next one is in October, to be held down the road in Bristol.  Very excited.  Will need to start saving now!

Tuesday 10 May 2011

eastern european flashbacks

I came across this blogsite the other day - whilst trying to find out more about polish ceramics as I had recently picked up a "Mi" coffee set by Mirostowice.  It had information both on polish ceramics and illustration.

The images below are from the blogsite.

What a fabulous flashback it was to childhood memories of various Eastern European (mainly Czech I think to be fair) animated stories we used to watch on the television - I remember being fascinated by the list of exotic and unpronounceable names that scrolled down the screen at the end of the show - and wondering what life was like in their seemingly strange and far-away-world.

There's a part 2, too

The images above shows the typical brown glazing of the Mirostowice ceramics.  The search continues however,  for more info re my own 1960's "Mi" Mirostowice coffee pot and set.

Sunday 8 May 2011

stove top coffee percolator

Ok - so it's not an Antti Nurmesniemi coffee percolator  (see blog entry below) - but I still love it!  It's an English Pyramid Ware coffee percolator Reg Design Number 920229 - beyond that "I know nothing".  Any info greatfully received.

Thursday 5 May 2011

scandinavian deliciousness - take two

Came across this blogsite in my never ending googling of vintage Scandinavian ceramics - although specifically this time it was Catherineholm enamelware not ceramics I was checking out.   The photos above are all from the bloesem blogsite.

I think I may actually have stop breathing for a while there!

melmex jug joy

eeny-meenie-miney-mo which one to keep and which one to go?

Tuesday 3 May 2011

the perfect wedding gift?

Following on from the  extended holiday,  courtesy of Will and Kate,  I take time out to go through yet another book kindly on loan from my big sister.

This book,  published in 1956,  was presented to my sister's mother-in-law on her leaving work to get married.  How times have changed.

All feminism discussions aside (as this is neither the time nor place)  it does however, have some killer illustrations,  fabulous furniture ideas and some gloriously British (ie.  not quite as cool as the Scandinavians) room layout suggestions.  Very of it's era - and somewhat contemporary too.

Elle Deco it may not be - but maybe someone should have given a copy to Wills and Kate!

Sunday 1 May 2011

the perfect vintage coffee table book?

My sister turned up with this book for me - thought it might be of use - either for identification of furniture or images and ideas.  She bought it for herself before she got married.   How fabulous is it?!  I love the inside flap graphics - might try and use them as the avatar on my Juniper Retro shop-to-be.

It makes a perfect coffee table book in more ways than one - the 1960's coffee table is a recent find - soon to be administered with some TLC and then it will be available for a new owner to love and adore.